
Friday, December 08, 2006

As One Door Closes . . .

Dear ieltscommunity14

Oh dear! Before you knew it, the three weeks were over and the IELTS demon is waiting for you. Don't panic, I'm still around, but NOW you have to join me on the new weblog:

Why not? If you didn't have time these past three weeks, then why not join us and help the new class? If, I repeat, if you are serious, then you have nothing to lose - you help yourself and help others.

I know you're reading this, so all those NON contributors, please contribute a comment and ask me to INVITE you to join the new weblog, where you can ask those IELTS questions that bother you and post reports/letters/esssays to your hearts' content.

OK, then? Over to you...

Please complete this saying that I have mentioned to previous classes: "The road to Hell __ _____ ____ ____ __________ (5 words)

Hope you enjoyed the course and that the force is with you for IELTS.

Best regards and good luck!



  • Al Salamu Alaikum,

    Three weeks passed so quickly... I have enjoyed the course very much. It helped me a lot...
    Now, IELTS is on doors and still we have a lot of work to do 

    Thank you Mr. Tony for your enormous efforts... Your new students are lucky since their three weeks' course still in its beginning...

    I would like to join the new weblog and I hope to find the time for contributing in it…

    Best Regards and wish you all the best…

    Sana R.

    By Blogger Sana, at 9:29 PM  

  • I saw ONE comment and said to myself: "That's Sana Rasheed!"

    Sure thing, Sana, expect your invitation in a few minutes' time!

    I'm glad the course helped you and thank you for your kind words. I hope the other i-force students follow your example!

    Good luck and brilliant studying!


    By Blogger Tony Beale, at 10:10 PM  

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